Submit your complaint online or by phone, Air Antwerp is always at your disposal

Help Air Antwerp improve its complaints service. If you have any complaints or comments about the services provided by a company, please do not hesitate to contact their customer service.

Air Antwerp knows that certain problems can arise during your flight or at the airport.

Thanks to its claims service, you can quickly report a problem to this company for compensation.

If you have filed a complaint and received a case number, you do not need to complete the required new form.

Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., you can also contact members of Antwerp Airlines on +32 33 03 78 18.

If you have any questions about a problem that arose when booking the ticket, please do not hesitate to contact Belgian customer service to file your complaint.

When purchasing products from a Belgian agent or office, in the event of a complaint, the owner should contact the agent.

If you wish to file a complaint for various reasons but you are not satisfied with the response provided by the company. You can contact the operator again to resolve the dispute, or you can contact the mediator referral association directly. Go to this site

If you have any issues while shopping online, you can also use this URL for an out-of-court investigation (if applicable).

In short, do you encounter any disputes when traveling with Air Antwerp? Do you know the many laws that protect you? If you are injured by a plane, you should contact the customer as soon as possible to resolve the claim.

Don’t hesitate to ask for anything, as this can put your program at risk of rejection. The victim can try to claim compensation. If the damage is caused by a Belgian airline problem, you should immediately consult a lawyer to receive the claim.

First of all, you need to register the complaint form :, which must be submitted online along with the required documents, key documents include photos or other evidence. You will need to provide the number of documents required to receive the correct amount. You can file a complaint according to the law.

You don’t have to worry about how to create a document. There is no information about the damage caused by Air Antwerp. All you need to do is complete a claim request form. No other legal requirement is required.

The important thing is to complete the application form and follow the instructions. The whole process takes about two weeks.

Is the flight delayed or canceled?

If your flight was delayed for more than three hours, you can request compensation from your carrier.

For this, you should contact a compensation company, whose legal expert can explain the amount obtained and the documents that can be used to claim and collect compensation.

Since its creation, European law has been committed to protecting passengers in the event of an accident (in particular late delays). Whether you are from Europe or other countries / regions, if your flight is delayed you can earn up to 600 Euros.

However, certain conditions must be met to qualify for compensation. The payment company can save your time and let you click to see if you need to be compensated

European law, there is nothing simpler than that; you just have to enter your travel data at the following tariff. You can allow triggers to create complaints on your behalf.

Claim compensation for lost or damaged property? Baggage delay: how to claim and earn?

Luggage or any other property registered as such by the airline which is not present when the plane gets off the plane at the planned place is considered as “delayed. The customer must first present himself at the counter of the airline concerned or he must complete a dedicated form (“Property Irregularity Report” or PIR) in order to claim compensation from his air carrier.

Most often, it is a return error between two connections and the luggage is repatriated within 48 hours. If they are found, the luggage will be returned in accordance with the provisions of the general conditions of sale, most often by delivery to the passenger’s home or place of vacation. In the meantime, the company must provide a basic kit or reimburse the customer’s basic costs upon presentation of supporting documents (clothing, hygiene products, etc.).

Instead, all airlines such as Antwerp Air are responsible for their cargo and its safety, unless it’s caused by a customer or baggage failure. Some companies rely on the Warsaw Convention, which usually offers limited protection to tourists, but they are also responsible for carrying their own luggage.

Globally, this means that millions of goods are moved from one airport to another every year. As a result, incidents like property damage, baggage damage, and delays often occur.

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